January 15th, 2020


Our Jupiter Dive Report Breakout:

Seas: - 0-2ft

Visibility – 40ft

Current – mild north

Temp - 75 degrees

Dive #1 – Jupiter Wreck Trek

Dive #2 - Loggerhead

So nice to be back out on the water and diving again. Two great dives today, we got greeted by a bunch of Lemon Sharks as we descended at the Wreck Trek and they stayed with us most of the dive. Not just sharks though, there were also plenty of goliath groupers, smaller critters on the wrecks and huge schools of fish. Loggerhead didn’t disappoint either, where we got to see multiple big male loggerheads resting, more lemon sharks and goliath groupers, lots of big green morays, some smaller eels, all of our tropical reef fish and lots of other critters. Happy Wednesday!

Call (855) 575-3483 or click here to book a dive:

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