January 30th, 2023

dive conditions:

SEAS: 0ft

VIZ: 30-40ft

CURRENT: Mild North

WATER TEMP: 78 degrees

divemaster log:

What a day!! Spadefish Point & Captain Kirles.

Calm seas, 1-2s with some light wind. 78 degrees on the bottom🌡! Steady Moderate north current, 30-40 foot of visibility.

2 great dives! Current was moving!! Great day for the macro lens…🤣 We spotted loads of schooling fish, and lots of sharks! Lemons, bulls, reefys, and nurses! Also some loggerhead and hawksbill sea turtles, and a spotted moray eel. Enjoy some cool texture shots from the macro lens! Don’t forgot to stop and enjoy the beautiful little things on the reef and in life!

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