July 18th, 2022
Seas: 3-4ft
Viz: 50ft
Current: Moderate North
Water temp: 84 degrees
Another great day In the books!
Seas turned up a bit, we still had good times out on the water. Divemaster Shawn took us to Finz Den for the first dive, 84 degrees on the bottom, mild-moderate current with 50 foot viz. We saw 4 beautiful reef sharks, over 20 loggerheads, all the gorgeous tropical reef fish, and some Goliaths and morays. We also got to watch a loggerhead chowing down on a huge conch shell!!! Was super cool. Second drop at Lighthouse reef, similar conditions with viz dropping to 30-40 foot. Loads of schooling horse-eyed jacks, loggerheads, and a big ol lemon shark. See you on Wednesday! Dive dive dive!