July 30th, 2022
dive conditions:
SEAS: 2-3ft
VIZ: 30ft
CURRENT: Moderate North
WATER TEMP: 80 degrees
divemaster review:
It was great diving with everyone today!
We were super happy to have a closer to normal water temp with a solid 80 degrees top to bottom out on the main ledge. First drop on Scarface was loaded with schools of yellowtail snapper, grunts, and many other beautiful reef fishes! We also had 2 Goliath grouper, and a bunch of Moray eels. Current was mild -moderate with 20-30 foot visibility. Second drop on Finz den, Similar conditions, loads of yellowtail snapper again along with all the gorgeous soft corals and juvenile reef fish, we saw more morays and Goliaths as well as 2 nurse sharks! Great group and great dives today!